Public Accusation Part IV: Background and Timeline of the Major Events
Two questions for the readers throughout this accusation:
- How easy to mobilize two courts to trash the established rule of law to target an innocent person for destruction, involving several court staff members?
- Who has that power or capability of controlling two MA courts to act against an innocent person in an operation that the involved clearly know it is a crime?
For readers who are proficient in Chinese, VICTIM would like to ask them to click the following link for one of his blog pieces that was posted on multiple sites on 9/9/2015. The piece was seen reposted by some readers on other sites.
我和美国野鸡中学校长过招(上) (My Hand Game with a Headmaster of a Wild-Chicken School—1) In this piece, VICTIM told a story of a Chinese mother who brought HER DAUGHTER to attend the inaugural class of a private boarding high school in Boston but made up her mind to transfer HER DAUGHTER out on the first school day. In the story he did not mention a woman who is a major figure in this accusation: the second older sister of the mother. She was with the mother and HER DAUGHTER on their first day to report to school. Accompanying them was a mysterious Chinese American, who was described by VICTIM in the story as “This friend was of deep background; he was very senior in his circle. If you see him on the street, first, you would never realize his background; second, you would never remember his looks after brushing past him.” This man suggested the family to transfer HER DAUGHTER out and offered some initial arrangement for the mother to stay in Boston to help with the transfer application. That was fall 2012. In December 2014, VICTIM and the mother married. Earlier in May 2013, VICTIM visited her sister in a China-Vietnam border town. In that visit, her sister revealed that she was a Chinese intelligence operative posted on the border. And the Chinese American who had accompanied them in their first school day visit in Boston in fall 2012 was a Chinese spy, on Ministry of State Security specifically. It is interesting that the school HER DAUGHTER initially came to attend turned out to be highly enriched with students from Vietnam elite families, unique among New England private boarding schools. In early 2014, VICTIM learned that EXWIFE’s mother is a veteran in the precursor of Chinese intelligence services, once tending and monitoring Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama when Chinese communist army occupied the Tibet in 1950’s. In the Christmas Holiday season in 2014, HER DAUGHTER revealed that her passion was to join the U.S. army. She contacted the West Point regarding her eligibility for the college in early January 2015. On 10/16/2015, VICTIM realized that something was terribly wrong with his marriage. He made his decision to divorce and emailed EXWIFE about his decision. To avoid any emotional reaction, he soon left home and came back only about once a week, usually on the late night of Friday. On 11/02/2015, EXWIFE sent VICTIM an email, reviewing their marriage. Commenting on his blog writings, she characterized his pieces as “objective, truthful, and positive.” In May 2016, he urged EXWIFE to finish the divorce process. On 05/30/2016, her attorney Russell L. Chin emailed VICTIM a settlement proposal, threatening to sue VICTIM if VICTIM did not accept his proposal within one week. One of the conditions in his proposal is “Husband shall not communicate with any third party concerning or relating the Wife or the Wife's daughter.” In 06/01/2016, Russell L. Chin filed the divorce complaint first at Middlesex County Probate and Family Court, falsely accusing VICTIM of many wrongdoings, including domestic abuse. |
In June and July 2016, Malden District Courts secretly issued and extended an Ex Parte restraining order against VICTIM on behalf of EXWIFE, keeping VICTIM totally unaware of it.
On or about 6/22/2016, VICTIM’s office was intruded by an unexpected and suspicious young man who spoke English with a strong Boston Chinatown accent and introduced himself as an immigrant from China through family reunification. In early August 2016, after he moved out Malden City, VICTIM ran into an incident, suggesting that he was followed by an Asian-looking woman when he left office for home in the evening. Sensing something unusual, VICTIM submitted to the Middlesex County Probate and Family Court an unusual divorce counterclaim, 21 pages long and single-spaced, detailing his interactions with EXWIFE and her family, as a written document for law enforcement in case that he was found dead abnormally. He submitted the document to the court twice, on 08/16/2016 and 08/17/2017, respectively. On 08/17/2016 in Middlesex County Probate and Family Court Room 7, before the first hearing in the morning, Russell L. Chin filed a complaint for abuse prevention on behalf of HER DAUGHTER, against VICTIM, mainly based on an email written in Chinese. It was learned later that earlier on 06/06/2016, they had filed a complaint at Malden District Court but withdrawn for inappropriate venue. Judge Maureen H. Monks granted a restraining order to HER DAUGHTER in the absence of an independent interpreter to verify the allegation. The judge ordered an interpreter for the 12/08/2016 extension hearing, promising to revisit the allegation. On 08/17/2016 in Middlesex County Probate and Family Court Room 7, Judge Maureen H. Monks also issued a temporary order, prohibiting VICTIM to contact law enforcement about the case. On 12/08/2016 at Middlesex County Probate and Family Court, Judge Maureen H. Monks conspired with Russell L. Chin and blocked the promised revisit to HER DAUGHTER’s allegation, even though the interpreter she had ordered showed up. After the 12/08/2016 hearing at Middlesex County Probate and Family Court, it became very clear that several court staff members at both Middlesex County Probate and Family Court and Malden District Court were proactively manipulating the cases against VICTIM, in a highly coordinated manner. On or about 12/10/2016, VICTIM found out that a year earlier in December 2015 he had survived a setup that would have sent him to jail for domestic violence. VICTIM had since lived a semi-hiding life, changing his daily routine constantly. On 12/23/2016, he booked a flight to Taipei. On 01/23/2017, VICTIM fled to Taipei in an attempt to seek a temporary asylum and make public accusations against those who had criminally violated him in MA judicial community. But he had to come back three weeks later, as Taiwan did not grant asylum. On 05/05/2017, VICTIM settled with EXWIFE on divorce after he confirmed his instinct on 04/18/2017 that EXWIFE was not consciously involved in various schemes that aimed at finishing his life. HER DAUGHTER, who had spearheaded the accusations against VICTIM, is now enrolled in the MIT Army ROTC program. |